Merry Christmas … 122508

25 12 2008

christmas_8I would like to take this time to wish all my readers a Very Merry Christmas. As a Christian I celebrate this time of year as a very special time since it is the designated day that is set aside to celebrate the birth of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I know there are discrepancies as to the exact date of his birth, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that he was born into this world as a human being.  So many people today celebrate their birthdays on the “wrong” day.

My mom tells me that I was born on February 28th.  She should know because she is the one who gave me birth.  However, on my birth certificate, it says February 27th.  It was recorded wrong.  This I found out years later.  I now celebrate on the 27th.  My point: I was born into this world on a certain date and time.  My closest families and friends celebrate my birthday on February 27th now.

With that said, I want you to remember that JESUS is the REASON for the Season.  Without his birth you would not be receiving and giving gifts at this time of year.  If you are a retailer, you would not be targeting consumers with all the enticements because you know that people seem to be more generous at this time of year.  Why?  The SPIRIT of the season – Giving.  (See John 3:16)

I do hope you will open your heart to receive the greatest GIFT of all this Christmas – JESUS!   He makes the difference. What better time to do that than now when the world is being turned upside down.  He is your peace during this time.  What better gift to have than the PEACE of God!

I am alive today because of HIM.  He brought me through quadruple bypass surgery on Dec. 8th, 2008.  I am alive and healing well because of him.  That was my gift for Christmas, but it first began with HIM – the GIFT!

it’s in the brain … 122308

23 12 2008

teen-brainA recent study presented last month at a Society for Neuroscience meeting once again reiterated that a teen’s behavior tend to be in line with their brain development or lack thereof.  These findings has been ongoing, but more and more it seem to be confirming the initial findings that came out several years ago.

Sometimes these studies would on the surface seem to remove responsibility from teens for behaviors that are so erratic and at times off-the-wall.  However they are no way advocating such.  These findings must be used in conjunction with other techniques to help teens navigate this period of their lives. Such things as discipline, behavioral modifications, counseling, etc must be implemented for possible success.

Here is the finding on scans done on both teen and adult brains:

Brain scans showed that when teens were asked to do virtual tasks (such as driving a simulated car) in the presence of an audience, their right brains (which deal with social and emotional information) were more activated, whereas when adults were asked to do the same task their left brain (which is believed to control thoughts and actions) was more activated.  Teens took more risks and made more mistakes when they had an audience than when they did not.

One of the key areas of the findings is that teens tend to take more risks and made more mistakes when they had an audience.  In school, a teen would rather fight than walk away because of the audience that they have.  Take that same situation and place it where there were no audience, a teen would more likely walk away if that had been a part of their training.  In class, teens would rather take the risk of acting out to appease their audience with full knowledge of the consequences.  Fight rather than flight is the name of the game for them. These are all based on the emotions rather than the thinking process which is not fully developed.

Some parents of teens even without this information, but based on raw instinct and that parental “check”, have a rule that their teens may not drive with their peers in the car.  In light of this research, that rule may be wise.

What do you think?

Every scar has a story behind it …. 122108

22 12 2008

I100_5796 have been looking at my scars each and every day; I can’t help but see them. As I look at each of them, they all have a slightly different story, yet being part of an overall story. I have several scars. Two on my left hand and foot from which they harvested the arteries they needed for the bypass surgery. I have a long one in the middle of my chest where they opened me up. I do have other small ones that came from IV’s, shots, and blood withdrawal.

(Sidebar: the two pictures to the side are just 2 of the scars that I bear. The chest and the hand. The skin discoloration is just the black & blue marks from shots and / or where the artery was harvested.)

As I look at these scars, I think about so many people, possibly including you, who have their own scars. I can see my scars and I know it was for my own good. They are lfe saving. However, so many people have scars that cannot be seen. They are not physical as mine. They could be emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and even intellectual. The mental and the emotional are the two most prevalent I believe.

100_5794Many of these scars that some people have are as a result of being taken advantage of either through abuse or other forms of violation. My scar may be there forever but will be totally healed. There won’t be anymore pain associated with it. Only the visual reminder. On the other hand others have painful scars that will be with them forever.

I am reminded that over two thousand years ago someone voluntarily bore his scars and still does, not because anyone took advantage of him, or abused him, but because of his love for us he was crucified. His scars are scars of love – in his hands, feet, and side. Wow! His name -JESUS!

As a result of what he did, all of us can have our sins forgiven and receive eternal life. Just ask him. No sins are bigger than his scars. Thanks be unto God for such love.

I am possibly alive today because of these scars. I do know that if I didn’t choose to go the path of the scar, I may have lost my life much sooner than I had in mind. These scars has brought me more years of life. Jesus’ scars brings ETERNAL LIFE.

Heart surgery update … 121308

13 12 2008

Just to let you all know that I appreciated all the prayers that went up on my behalf. I was released from the hospital yesterday after having quadruple bypass surgery on Monday. Went in thinking it would be triple but turned out to be quadruple. I’ll explain this later, because I’m not up to the writing right now but suffice to say God showed himself strong on my behalf every step of the way. INCREDIBLE!!! The doctors and nurses marvel at my progress. I had one simple word for the them – GOD! There was also another word that I used frequently – PRAYER!

I do not know how people who do not have faith in God make it through these times. I really don’t.

Home recovering beautifully. Thank God and thank you for your prayers!


Heart surgery … 120708

7 12 2008

I will be away and have been away from blogging for a few days or more. I recently had an angiogram that showed a blockage in a major artery (left aorta), which requires by pass surgery. I’m asking for your prayers both for myself and my family. God is in control. He is so amazing. I see this as a gift from God.  I will been having surgery on Monday Dec 8th , 2008.

My story could have read otherwise. Not too many people have been given the chance I have. As the cardiologist said, “it was good for you to come in when you did. This could have been fatal!” God is good. I’ve been shown his mercy and grace throughout this process. All praise to God! I have the peace of God in all of this.

Keep me in your prayers.

A heart without a heart … 120108

1 12 2008

no-heart-teenThis is really a miracle. A one of a kind miracle. Do you believe in miracles? Well this should make a believer out of you. I know that you skeptics will say this is no miracle but that it is science and technology at its best. Well, you are entitled to your opinion but let those of us who believe in miracles, have our day. Her mom Twolla Anderson said: “I truly believe it’s a miracle”.

Her name is D’Zhana Simmons. She is 14 y/o. She was diagnosed with an enlarged heart that was too weak to sufficiently pump blood. She needed a heart transplant and needed it fast.

With time against her, she was brought to Holtz Children’s Hospital in Miami. Here she was “outfitted” with a new heart. Unfortunately, her new heart didn’t work properly and could have ruptured so surgeons removed it two days later.

Surgeons had to do something that is rarely done and that is take out the heart completely and use an artificial system to pump blood through her body. This was her life for 4mths. Can you imagine. This is quite a medical accomplishment.

D’Zhana is thankful for life and grateful for small things such as seeing her five siblings soon, and being able to spend time outdoors. These are some of the things that we take for granted. In her words, “I’m glad I can walk without the machine”.

This is a very courageous teenage girl. It took inner strength and great “heart” to keep going day in and day out.

Our prayers need to be with D’Zhana as she faces an uphill battle. Doctors say she will be able to do most of the things other teens do, but she might need another transplant before she is 30 y/o. She also will need to be on medication for the rest of her life to minimize the risk of a rejection.

I believe she will make it. She has already demonstrated her determination.

Read more at “Girl lives 118 days without a heart”
