Every scar has a story behind it …. 122108

22 12 2008

I100_5796 have been looking at my scars each and every day; I can’t help but see them. As I look at each of them, they all have a slightly different story, yet being part of an overall story. I have several scars. Two on my left hand and foot from which they harvested the arteries they needed for the bypass surgery. I have a long one in the middle of my chest where they opened me up. I do have other small ones that came from IV’s, shots, and blood withdrawal.

(Sidebar: the two pictures to the side are just 2 of the scars that I bear. The chest and the hand. The skin discoloration is just the black & blue marks from shots and / or where the artery was harvested.)

As I look at these scars, I think about so many people, possibly including you, who have their own scars. I can see my scars and I know it was for my own good. They are lfe saving. However, so many people have scars that cannot be seen. They are not physical as mine. They could be emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and even intellectual. The mental and the emotional are the two most prevalent I believe.

100_5794Many of these scars that some people have are as a result of being taken advantage of either through abuse or other forms of violation. My scar may be there forever but will be totally healed. There won’t be anymore pain associated with it. Only the visual reminder. On the other hand others have painful scars that will be with them forever.

I am reminded that over two thousand years ago someone voluntarily bore his scars and still does, not because anyone took advantage of him, or abused him, but because of his love for us he was crucified. His scars are scars of love – in his hands, feet, and side. Wow! His name -JESUS!

As a result of what he did, all of us can have our sins forgiven and receive eternal life. Just ask him. No sins are bigger than his scars. Thanks be unto God for such love.

I am possibly alive today because of these scars. I do know that if I didn’t choose to go the path of the scar, I may have lost my life much sooner than I had in mind. These scars has brought me more years of life. Jesus’ scars brings ETERNAL LIFE.