16 y/o teen’s baby aborted by grandma … 03.21.09

21 03 2009

According to news report from the Sunsentinel.com, Tonuya Rainey mother of a 16 year old girl, is being held in jail for forcing an abortion upon her daughter whose name is being withheld because of her age.

The daughter said Rainey wanted her to have an abortion because she was too young to have a child, according to a police application for a search warrant. When she told her mother she was about 24 weeks pregnant, her mother gave her “round, white pills” to terminate the pregnancy, the police document said.

The mother acted in the position of a medical professional who has the legal authority to enact such procedure. She gave her daughter the RU-486 pills, which can be obtained via prescription. Was this a case of stupidity? Love? Guilt? Shame?  Was it being a grandma at 38 the issue; make her feel too old? Mom did go to a club the same night while her daughter was left at home to abort the baby.  Hmmh!   I wonder!

What did she hope to accomplish by this? Was she hoping that this would give her daughter a better chance of “making it in life”? Did she see this as our President had said about his own daughter that if she became pregnant he would want to give her the opportunity to opt for abortion and not punish her with having to becoming a mother at such an early age. Where did this idea come from? Punishment? Convenience?

We see how Ms. Rainey’s action has really helped her daughter. Was it worth it?

Life is precious. It may not come the way we hope it would. However two wrongs doesn’t make a right. An innocent child should not have to be punished for something they did not ask for. Her daughter made a mistake as we all do. She had other options one of which would be to place the child up for adoption. At least the child would be alive.

What will the future be like for this daughter? She will be traumatized as she replay seeing her baby as she states – alive and knowing it was a boy. That will be her lot for the rest of her life. Thanks mom. Now your daughter must deal with the murder of her son as well as not having you there for her. I think the latter might not be a bad thing.

I’m ticked but as ticked as I am, I will pray for this family. They sure need it now. Please join me in praying for them.

sex, teens, & tv … 03.08.09

8 03 2009

sex on tvAccording to a report from the BBC news, recent studies suggest that teens are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse the more exposed they are to TV programs that contain sexually suggestive scenes. Duh! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that  you become a product of your environment. It is very difficult to feed yourself a steady diet of these types of viewings and not have it affect you.

Does it need a study to determine this? They could have given the money to me used for the study and I would have told them that. I would have also been able to pull together a group of adults and teens who could attest to that. Hello

The article states that the researchers interviewed 2,000 adolescents aged 12 to 17 three times between 2001 and 2004. It found that teens who watched larger amounts of sexually charged TV shows were twice as likely to experience a pregnancy in the subsequent three years, compared with those with lower levels of exposure.

Teenage girls who watch a lot of TV shows with a high sexual content are twice as likely to become pregnant, according to a study.

Those of us who have been making these claims for years were marginalized and seen as right wing fundamentalists wackos. What do we know. What evidence do we have for such claims? Granted, I do look at studies and do reference them. I embrace the scientific findings. However this I do with balance.entertainment mag with sex image

The wisest man that ever lived outside of Jesus, is Solomon. This is what he said hundreds of years ago – “Guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life”

The eye-gate is one of the main ways by which ones heart becomes corrupt. Images that are captured on the video wall of our mind will inevitably play over and over again. When we take time to reflect upon these images that has now produced thoughts of one kind or another, we must do something with the thought. Imagine a teen whose hormones are raging. What do you think their thoughts might be? Given the right situation, place, time, and person, the chance is they are going to act on these impulses.

Why then should these findings surprise us? For me, it only confirms what I’ve held to for a long time. And I must add this goes for music as well.

When will they do a study on music and its impact on teens sexuality, violence, and rebellion?

be deaf to succeed … 03.05.09

5 03 2009

Sometimes in life if you ever plan to succeed and make it to the top, whatever the top is for you, you need to become deaf to the voices of pessimism and negativism.

There are so many people who will tell you why you can’t achieve that which you have set your mind to. They will point out all the reasons why you can’t. By becoming “deaf” or practicing selective hearing during these times, is the antidote for success. Make up your mind today to not listen to the doubters or haters!

Learn a lesson from a frog.

click here

Rihanna, what will it take? … 03.04.09

4 03 2009

rihanna-beatingChris Brown, Rihanna. Chris Brown, Rihanna. Chris Brown, Rihanna. This seems to be the talk of so many people because of the high profile nature of this incident.

According to the many reports, it is alleged that Chris Brown was arrested for assault and battery upon his long time girl friend, Robyn Rihanna Fenty aka Rihanna. Unfortunately it takes a high profile case like this to highlight such abuses. This happens more frequently than we are made aware.

No person should have to go through this. There are no excuses for it. I cannot imagine what it must be like for her parents or any parent of an abused victim. The thoughts. The feelings. The restlessness. The nightmares. The anger! Even with all of this, it is reported that Rihanna and Chris Brown is getting or has gotton back together.

What will it take Rihanna? Do you think he has learned his lesson and won’t do it again? Are you excusing this as a one-time thing; a mistake? How much abuse are you planning to endure? When will it be enough?

Chris Brown as talented as he is, has some issues. He needs help. Blaming his past is not taking responsibility, which tells me that he is more than likely gonna do it again. The sad part is that victims of abuses like these tend to stay in such relationships. They tend to blame themselves for what happens and will make excuses for the abusers.

The most unfortunate part of this is that some of these relationships end in tragedy. I pray and hope this is not the case here. Rihanna, he is not worth it! Run while you have life and PRESS CHARGES AGAINST HIM!

If you are in a relationship such as this, LEAVE.  Don’t subject yourself to such!