Who let the dogs out? … 102208

22 10 2008

Some parents are! Teens, you better watch out!

Drug use is becoming or already is and epidemic among teens that some parents are resorting to some very ingenious methods of making sure their teens are not having drugs in their home. This approach might be controversial and possible risky especially when it comes to maintaining healthy relationships among parents and teenage children.

According to an ABC article, some parents are following a new trend to have dogs sniff out any drugs that their teen may be hiding in their rooms or anywhere in the house for that matter. As a matter of fact these dogs have such sensitive nose that they can detect drugs such as crystal meth, cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy. They can also detect marijuana residue on clothes that were worn while smoking pot, up to two days later.

This is not cheap. For $200 per hour, you can have such “service”.

Some parents have resorted to this method as a last resort while others are using it as a preventative measure. This approach raises the issues of trust and privacy. Dr. Neil Bernstein, a Washington, D.C.-based clinical psychologist and author of the book “How to Keep Your Teen Out of Trouble” made this statement. “There are major repercussions for this type of intervention. When parents do this it erodes trust and goodwill.”

One parent who lost her son to a drug overdose, said that she wished this service was around a few years ago because it might have saved her son’s life.

There are two sides to this issue, the parent and the teen. Whose side would you take and why? Do you agree with Dr. Bernstein? Do you agree with the parent who lost her son to the overdose?

Should we just let the dogs out?



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