Marijuana and medicinal use

5 07 2010

I am not an advocate for the usage of smoking marijuana. I have never been and don’t think I will ever be. I think smoking of anything is just not a wise decision and there are too much research that shows the effect of smoking on one’s lungs and other areas of the body. Having said that, I had an interesting conversation with someone on my facebook about said topic. I must say he does not advocate smoking marijuana. However he had some interesting and thought provoking ideas.

It all started with this post: “You can determine whether you are an intelligent person by how open you are to new ideas”. Prov 18:15. These are the words of the wisest man that ever lived – Solomon.

I’m sure he was not just speaking about all new ideas. I do believe it was within certain contexts such as within the laws of man and the laws of God. He would not be purporting the idea of going against such.

His question to the post was, “how open would u [sic] be to smoking marijuana for medicinal purposes? And how open would the church as we know it be to recieving [sic] those who do? Hmmm.. Think about it….. Its crazy but our founding fathers partook of the hemp plant regularly… Its the next epidemic because sooner than we think, it will be legal..”

Here is my answer:

“We are moving in the direction when most of the things we abhorred will become acceptable and the norm. However, even if and when they do, we must always be guided by scripture.

1. Our bodies are not ours to do as we please

2. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19,20).

Marijuana may have some medicinal purpose, but I’m not sure it does through smoking. I do think everything God made has value. He did say it was good. It is just how we use the “good” things God makes.

Scientific discoveries are often made and used before they are understood” — Francis Shapiro, Ph D. It took 40 years to understand why penicillin works. Not knowing why it worked, did not stop its well documented usage and success”

My friend continued with the following: “… there are many health benefits from smoking it but the most effective way is via vaporizor and or bong…it is also been known to cure cancer and help H.I.V. patients recover and get better but those two cures are through hemp oil extract. Directly from the plant. It is not inhaled..”

He also responded to the health benefits by saying, “.. If some one is taking oxicotten for their arthritis or pain then why not be able to choose a natural way to deal with it and assist their medical issues. Its way less harmful to the body than the pills that destroy our stomach and liver. Our body is a temple right? Hmmm just provoking thought.”

My response to that was, “Yes those meds can be very harmful to the body; all have side-effects. ”

I think this was a very lively discussion, and wondering if you want to weigh in this conversation. Should marijuana be an acceptable medicinal option?