labels … 061508

15 06 2008

i do not like to label anyone especially teenagers.  they are at an age that those labels have the ability to stick.  i have memories of a few labels that was placed upon me as a teen that i still remember today.  thank god i had a family especially parents who were there for me all along the way so that those labels didn’t “stick”.

many teens are not so fortunate or should i say blessed.  not only have they had labels placed upon them by people outside the family but have had their own parents place such upon them – lazy, stupid, dumb, won’t-amount-to- anything, and the list goes on.  you may have had one of these labels placed upon you and you haven’t forgotten it.  as a matter of fact it has been like a noose around your neck all these years.  you cannot break loose from it.

you and i cannot change our past.  we can hope though for the future.  john maxwell has said that hope for the future gives us power for the present.  tony compolo says that your past has brought you where you are but your future should not be defined by your past.  don’t let the labels of your past cripple you as you move into your future.  make a decision today to make tomorrow a better day.  help a teen along the way.