No Hope No Change Part 5

13 06 2010

In my last blog entry you were challenged to take some time to examine the source of your firmly held beliefs. As is true of the oil leak, so it is true that your behavior that others see on the surface of your life, is flowing from deep within the ocean of your mind.

Some examples of firmly held beliefs might be you will not amount to anything, you will be just like so and so, you are dumb, stupid, ugly, lazy, good for nothing, etc. These are just a few examples. I’m sure you could add some of your own descriptions to this list.

Once you have identified the phrase or label that you have been given at some time in your past, the next step is to try to remember who it was that “slapped” that label on you. At some point in your past, someone ignorantly or intentionally, tagged you. Not only is that true, but you have had occasions where this belief was reinforced or confirmed by something you did or didn’t do. You began to believe it yourself.

This is where we begin to unpack and put in place the M.A.P strategy, which we will go step by step in future blog entries.

Stay tuned for the next blog on this topic.

Your feedback is appreciated. Let me know what you think about these blogs.